Results for 'Mohamad Azhar Azman'

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  1.  77
    Effects of Illegal Behavior on the Financial Performance of US Banking Institutions.Mohamad Jamal Zeidan - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (2):313-324.
    This study investigates whether financial performance is affected by corporate violations of laws and regulations. In a sample of 128 publicly traded banks that were subject to enforcement actions by US regulatory authorities over a 20-year period, we observed a significant negative market reaction pursuant to the violations. However, the market reaction did not vary meaningfully in accordance with the severity or repetitiveness of the violation. The results of this study are in conformity with previous research on industries other than (...)
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  2.  52
    Spectra of conditionalization and typicality in the multiverse.Feraz Azhar - unknown
    An approach to testing theories describing a multiverse, that has gained interest of late, involves comparing theory-generated probability distributions over observables with their experimentally measured values. It is likely that such distributions, were we indeed able to calculate them unambiguously, will assign low probabilities to any such experimental measurements. An alternative to thereby rejecting these theories, is to conditionalize the distributions involved by restricting attention to domains of the multiverse in which we might arise. In order to elicit a crisp (...)
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  3. Epistemological Beliefs and Writing Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Second Language Writing Anxiety: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach.Mohamad Heidarzadi, Hamed Barjesteh & Atefeh Nasrollahi Mouziraji - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study was carried out to investigate the roles of epistemic beliefs and writing self-efficacy in predicting second language writing anxiety among learners of English as a foreign language. To this end, three validated scales were distributed among 240 EFL students. They were asked to complete the questionnaires during their regular courses. A structural equation modeling approach was utilized to analyze the hypothesized SEM model and the causal paths among the constructs. The direct and indirect path analyses of the hypothesized (...)
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  4.  28
    Correction to: A Bayesian View on the Dr. Evil Scenario.Feraz Azhar, Alan H. Guth & Mohammad Hossein Namjoo - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2543-2543.
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  5. How to think science? How does science think?M. Azman - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (1).
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    Alfarabi and Ibn Khaldun: On Tyranny and Domination.Mohamad Ghossein - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (4):932-956.
    Islamic political thought has long been concerned with the abuses of tyranny. To contemporary Islamists, the tyrant is the ruler who adopts foreign ideas opposed to the original values of Islam. This sentiment is sometimes coupled with calls for revolutionary violence, a view popularized by the Egyptian Islamist Sayyid Qutb.1 While to some modern Islamists tyrannical rule signifies encroaching Western hegemony, its premodern use was less geographically specific. The Prophet Muhammad had simply stipulated that the "best struggle is a word (...)
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    The Impact of Your Leadership in Human Resource Management: An Exploratory Study on the Oil Marketing Company.Azhar Ragheb Mahmood, Intisar Ragheb Mahmood & Thakaa Faiq Abd - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1621-1636.
    The importance of the marketing function at board level is often underestimated and its role in driving change in HR is often undervalued. This research examines how marketing can partner with organizational leadership for a mutually beneficial exchange of marketing skills and capabilities to be able to realign human resources quickly enough to deal with shifts in the external business environment and create a sustainable future for the business. The current research explores the concept of “marketing leadership” from an interpretive (...)
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  8. Archaeological Analysis of Arabic-Malay Translation Works of Abdullah Basmeih.Azman Ariffin, Kasyfullah Abd Kadir & Idris Mansor - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):785-805.
    Utusan Melayu Company, Qalam Press Company and the Department of Islamic Affairs, Prime Minister’s Department are the main contributors to the translation discipline of religious texts in Malaysia. Abdullah Basmeih has worked with these institutions as a translator. His purpose is to assist the translation of religious writings from Al-Muṣawwar magazine and multi-disciplinary religious texts, among them sīrah, stories of the Prophet’s companions, ʿaqīdah, ‘Ibādah, social and politics. Sheikh Abdullah Basmeih migrated to Singapore in 1939 and worked with Qalam Press (...)
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  9. Sel cemara, integrasi dan interkoneksi sains dan ilmu agama.Azhar Arsyad - 2010 - In Azyumardi Azra, Nanat Fatah Natsir & Hendriyanto Attan (eds.), Strategi pendidikan: upaya memahami wahyu dan ilmu. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  10.  23
    Flows into inflation: An effective field theory approach.Feraz Azhar & David I. Kaiser - 2018 - Physical Review D 98 (6).
    We analyze the flow into inflation for generic "single-clock" systems, by combining an effective field theory approach with a dynamical-systems analysis. In this approach, we construct an expansion for the potential-like term in the effective action as a function of time, rather than specifying a particular functional dependence on a scalar field. We may then identify fixed points in the effective phase space for such systems, order-by-order, as various constraints are placed on the Mth time derivative of the potential-like function. (...)
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  11. Epistemology and its Time.Matej Azman - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (3):7 - +.
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  12.  16
    Particle Swarm Intelligence to Optimize the Learning of N-tuples.M. A. Hannan Bin Azhar, F. Deravi & K. R. Dimond - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (Supplement):169-196.
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    Quality of patient Care with new Privatized Healthcare system: A Systematic Review of Technology Integration and Health Insurance".Azhar Ahmed Halawi, Hatem Saeed Ayed Alqahtani, Mohammed Mousa Essa Ayyashi, Nooran Hashim Basha, Dr Eman Hamad Alkanaani, Malak Awn Alharthi, Khadejah Abdullah Najmi, Noor Faisal Alhuzali, Abdullah Shayakh Alshehri & Othman Ali Alshehri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1301-1313.
    Background: The quality of patient care is effective for new privatized healthcare system. For providing the effective services to the patients’ technology tools play important role. Also, new privatized healthcare organizations introduce the healthcare insurance. The aim of current systematic review is to explore the quality of patient care with new privatized healthcare system in the context of technology integration and health insurance. Method: A thorough search of databases, including Scopus, PsycINFO, and Web of Science, was conducted in order to (...)
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  14.  21
    Paying Kidney Donors: Cost Efficient, Increase Kidney Supply and Protect the Poor.Azhar Hussain & Subrata Saha - 2014 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 5 (4):279-286.
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  15.  13
    Probable differences among the paradigms governing conventional and Islamic approaches to management.Azhar Kazmi - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (4):263.
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  16.  43
    Revisiting Arabic-Malay Translation Experience in Malaysia: A Historical and Contemporary Account.Azman Che Mat - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (2):P99.
    This article argues the importance of translation study from the Arabic language into the Malay language. To support this statement, the paper sheds some light on translation activities as found in the Malay society and Arabic civilization as a comparison. The translation has a major role in the development of education for Malay citizens especially in the Muslim community. Then, the temporary development of Arabic-Malay translation is discussed to draw a conclusion on the need of expanding Arabic-Malay translation as a (...)
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  17. Rationality of Religious Belief: Externalist Perspective.Mohamad Ali Mobini - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (1):9-43.
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  18.  20
    Rationality and Responding to Normative Reasons.Mohamad Hadi Safaei - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 28 (3).
    My aim in this paper is to show that the reasons-responsiveness theory of rationality fails to explain the intuitive irrationality of practical akrasia. First, I argue that the best explanation for the distinction between acting in accordance with a normative reason and responding to that reason involves appealing to one’s competence or knowledge about how to respond to that reason. Second, one might possess practical competence to respond to her decisive practical reasons to act, without having the parallel theoretical competence (...)
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  19.  43
    Iranian Applied Linguists (mis) Conceptions of Ethical Issues in Research: A Mixed-Methods study.Mohamad Reza Farangi & Mohamad Khojastemehr - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (2):359-376.
    The present study used quantitative and qualitative measures to examine Iranian applied linguists’ (mis-) conceptions of ethical issues in research. For this purpose, one hundred and twelve applied linguists completed a research ethics questionnaire constructed and validated by the researchers. In the follow-up qualitative phase, 15 applied linguists who were faculty members participated in semi-instructed interviews. Data were analyzed using exploratory factors analyses for the first phase and theme analyses for the second phase. Quantitative results showed that the most important (...)
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  20.  35
    Gauging Fine-Tuning.Feraz Azhar & Abraham Loeb - unknown
    We introduce a mathematical framework for quantifying fine-tuning in general physical settings. In particular, we identify two distinct perspectives on fine-tuning, namely, a local and a global perspective --- and develop corresponding measures. These measures apply broadly to settings characterized by an arbitrary number of observables whose values are dependent on an arbitrary number of parameters. We illustrate our formalism by quantifying fine-tuning as it arises in two pertinent astrophysical settings: in models where a significant fraction of the dark matter (...)
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  21.  16
    Perspektif baru tentang relasi Islam dan demokrasi di Indonesia: telaah epistemologis: monograf.Muhammad Azhar - 2018 - Bantul, Indonesia: Lp3M Umy.
    On Islam related to democracy and politics in Indonesia.
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  22.  24
    Child Labor and Inhumane Treatment of Children in Pakistan.Azhar Hussain & Farwa Ali - 2016 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 7 (1-2):65-71.
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  23.  71
    On God’s Names and Attributes.Mohamad Nasrin Nasir - 2009 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 5:59-74.
    This article examines ḥikma as it was practiced by Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, or Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1640), in explaining the connection between the divine names and the attributes of God. This is done via a translation of the fourth part of his al-Maẓāhir al-ilāhiyya fī asrār al-ʿulūm al-kamāliyya [The loci of divine manifestations in the secrets of the knowledge of perfection]. Ḥikma, philosophy, as it is defined here, is the combination of rational demonstrations and spiritual unveiling. Shīrāzī’s philosophy is a (...)
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  24.  25
    A Victim's Claim of Being Raped is Neither a Confession to Zina nor Committing Qadhf.Azman Mohd Noor - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 8 (1).
    Sexual assault leaves the victims with unbearable emotional pain from the experience. The unwanted aggression against their freewill causes them to suffer physically and mentally. On top of that, they also have to fight to be treated fairly and respectfully during their court trials. There has been some controversy regarding rape prosecution in the Islamic legal system. The reason for this controversy is that the rape victim would usually be either charged with zina because of her confession, or committing qadhf, (...)
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  25. HUBUNGAN PERSEPSI SISWA TENTANG GURU MATEMATIKA DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA.Mohamad Najichun & Widodo Winarso - 2016 - Jurnal Psikologi Undip 15 (2): 139-146.
    The purpose of this study was to know the relationship between student perception towards mathematics teacher with mathematics academic performace. The population of the study were all students of class VIII SMPN 8 Cirebon in the academic year 2014/2015, with the number of students 287 people. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling, and the sample size was 56 students. Data collection techniques used: 1) Questionnaire of Perceptions towards Mathematics teacher, and 2) The results of student mathematics learning test. The (...)
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  26.  22
    Preschool Minority Children’s Persian Vocabulary Development: A Language Sample Analysis.Mohamad Reza Farangi & Saeed Mehrpour - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study linked background TV and socioeconomic status to minority children’s Persian vocabulary development. To this end, 80 Iranian preschool children from two minority groups of Arabs and Turks were selected using stratified random sampling. They were simultaneous bilinguals, i.e., their mother tongue was either Arabic or Azari and their first language was Persian. Language sample analysis was used to measure vocabulary development through a 15-min interview by language experts. The LSA measures included total number of utterances, total number of (...)
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  27.  52
    Finely Tuned Models Sacrifice Explanatory Depth.Feraz Azhar & Abraham Loeb - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-36.
    It is commonly argued that an undesirable feature of a theoretical or phenomenological model is that salient observables are sensitive to values of parameters in the model. But in what sense is it undesirable to have such ‘fine-tuning’ of observables? In this paper, we argue that the fine-tuning can be interpreted as a shortcoming of the explanatory capacity of the model: in particular it signals a lack of a particular type of explanatory depth. The aspect of depth that we probe (...)
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  28.  39
    A Bayesian View on the Dr. Evil Scenario.Feraz Azhar, Alan H. Guth & Mohammad Hossein Namjoo - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-12.
    In Defeating Dr. Evil with Self-Locating Belief, Adam Elga proposes and defends a principle of indifference for self-locating beliefs: if an individual is confident that his world contains more than one individual who is in a state subjectively indistinguishable from his own, then he should assign equal credences to the hypotheses that he is any one of these individuals. Through a sequence of thought experiments, Elga in effect claims that he can derive the credence function that should apply in such (...)
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    Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Strategies for the Recruitment and Retention of Primary Health Care Employees in Qatar: A Qualitative Approach.Mohamad Alameddine, Rami Yassoub, Yara Mourad & Hiba Khodr - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801772494.
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  30.  23
    Sharīʿah Criminal Law Enforcement in Hisbah Framework: Practice In Malaysia.Alias Azhar, Muhammad Hafiz Badarulzaman, Fidlizan Muhammad & Siti Zamarina Mat Zaib - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):149-170.
    : Hisbah is the most important institution in a society and nation.Enforcement parties are those who are directly involved in executing this. Incarrying out their duties, they bear heavy responsibility because it involvesthe rights of Allah and the rights of human. Hisbah implies theimplementation of al-amr bi-l-maʿrūf when it is clear thatit is abandoned, and wa-n-nahy ʿani-l-munkar when itis clear that it is done. This study is based on the concept of Hisbah in SharīʿahLaw which is of a general and (...)
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  31.  41
    Whither Transcendence? Immanence and Critique in The Self-Emptying Subject.Mohamad Jarada - 2024 - Sophia 63 (1):121-133.
    This paper engages Alex Dubilet’s _The Self-Emptying Subject: Kenosis and Immanence, Medieval to Modern_ and his account of immanence and kenosis as exhibited in his reading of Hegel’s concept of _Entäußerung_ [externalization]. Specifically, I focus on the “problematic of desubjectivation” that centers Dubilet’s critique of transcendence and its relationship to subjection and subjectivity. I reconsider the relationship made between this problematic, the ethics of kenosis, and the concept of immanence so as to demonstrate the ways in which Dubilet attempts to (...)
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  32.  20
    Assessing the Impact of Pan-Arabism on the Politics of the PLO in Historical Context.Husam A. Mohamad - 2000 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 10 (2):29-43.
  33.  33
    ‘Malaysia belongs to the Malays’ (Malaysia ni Melayu Punya!): Categorising ‘us’ and ‘them’ in Malaysia’s mainstream Malay-language newspapers.Siti Nurnadilla Mohamad Jamil - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (6):671-687.
    ABSTRACT Malaysia’s 13th general election in 2013 was the final election where the longest-serving elected government in the world, Barisan Nasional, regained power, before it was ousted after over six decades of authoritarian rule in 2018. In a country that practises parliamentary democracy but simultaneously observed close cooperation between the then ruling coalition and the mainstream press, this paper shows the micro-politics of the driving force of the coalition, United Malays National Organisation – specifically, how anxiety regarding the maintenance of (...)
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  34.  56
    Epistemic and non-epistemic values in economic evaluations of public health.Alessandra Cenci & M. Azhar Hussain - 2019 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (1):66-88.
    We review methods for economic evaluation recently developed in health economics by focusing on the epistemic and non-epistemic values they embody. The emphasis is on insights into valuing health,...
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  35.  57
    Three Aspects of Typicality in Multiverse Cosmology.Feraz Azhar - unknown
    Extracting predictions from cosmological theories that describe a multiverse, for what we are likely to observe in our domain, is crucial to establishing the validity of these theories. One way to extract such predictions is from theory-generated probability distributions that allow for selection effects---generally expressed in terms of assumptions about anthropic conditionalization and how typical we are. In this paper, I urge three lessons about typicality in multiverse settings. Because it is difficult to characterize our observational situation in the multiverse, (...)
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  36.  67
    Discourse analysis on newspaper reports of apostasy cases.Azweed Mohamad, Radzuwan Ab Rashid, Kamariah Yunus, Shireena Basree Abdul Rahman, Saadiyah Darus, Razali Musa & Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):96-111.
    This paper aims to provide insights into the Malaysian newspaper reports on apostasy cases in the country. Being a Muslim country with multi-religions, apostasy is highly sensitive hence any issues related to apostasy need to be carefully managed. Four keywords were used to identify newspaper reports for the analysis. Two newspaper reports met the selection criteria and were analysed using a discourse analysis approach focusing on Grammatical Analysis, Macrostructures, and Rhetorical Structures. The analysis reveals that the report in New Straits (...)
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  37.  9
    Universalité culturelle des sciences et des techniques.Mohamad K. Salhab (ed.) - 2012 - Dijon: Édition Universitaires de Dijon.
    La "technologie" est au coeur de notre vie sans que souvent nous en ayons conscience. D'où la question de l'unité de cette technologie à travers de multiples disciplines. C'est à cette interrogation que tentent de répondre les échanges internationaux organisés par l'Université libano-française de Tripoli. Trois notions-clefs sont au coeur du débat : la reconnaissance de la sphère technique dans la culture ; l'existence de mécanismes de classification et normalisation d'un savoir et d'un langage spécifique grâce à la culture et (...)
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  38.  71
    The involuntary nature of music-evoked autobiographical memories in Alzheimer’s disease.Mohamad El Haj, Luciano Fasotti & Philippe Allain - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):238-246.
    The main objective of this paper was to examine the involuntary nature of music-evoked autobiographical memories. For this purpose, young adults, older adults, and patients with a clinical diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s disease were asked to remember autobiographical events in two conditions: after being exposed to their own chosen music, and in silence. Compared to memories evoked in silence, memories evoked in the “Music” condition were found to be more specific, accompanied by more emotional content and impact on mood, and (...)
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  39.  27
    The Virtuous City of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ: A Medieval Islamic Reflection on Worldliness and Communal Division.Mohamad Ghossein - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (1):34-50.
    Abstractabstract:The present article examines the utopian and theological politics of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafāʾ (Brethren of Purity). I focus on the Ikhwān’s elusive “virtuous city,” a harmonious and righteous community situated on a wondrous island, where residents work in unison toward salvation by deferring to one creed. This city’s imagery is intimately tied to principal theological dimensions of their work. Through the virtuous city, the Ikhwān utilize the imagery of estrangement to elucidate their theological position on the soul’s imprisonment in the (...)
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  40.  23
    On Computationalism: Formal Interpretation and Initial Model.Mohamad Awwad - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 1 (8):5-8.
    In this article, we propose an initial formal model of computationalism based on mathematical relations between cognition and computation. More specifically, based on a set of cognitive constituents as a domain, and a set of computational implementations as a range, we define two relations of transformation over these sets. Moreover, we define the principles of implementability, describability, and phenomena correspondence, and we conjecture that full computationalism does not hold since these principles are not fulfilled. Particularly, many cognitively-tied phenomena fail to (...)
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  41.  39
    Measuring the financial and social performance of French mutual funds: A data envelopment analysis approach.Mohamad Hassan Shahrour - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):398-418.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 398-418, April 2022.
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  42.  9
    Sufism as a Practical Moral Education: Reflections on the Thoughts of Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926).Mohamad Ali - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):445-460.
    Sufism has been neglected in the religious discourse and educational practices of modernist Muslims in the Islamic world, including Indonesia, where Kiai Moechtar Boechari (1899-1926) had emerged as an early activist in the Muhammadiyah Surakarta and Sufism. This research aims to examine Kiai Boechari’s religious thought, emphasizing the idea of Sufism as a practice of moral education (_akhlaq_). The data of research comprised mainly documentation and library archives. The findings reveal that Kiai Boechari’s religious thinking was driven by persistence in (...)
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  43.  72
    Validating Academic Integrity Survey : An Application of Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analytic Procedures.Imran Adesile, Mohamad Sahari Nordin, Yedullah Kazmi & Suhaila Hussien - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (2):149-167.
    This study concerned validating academic integrity survey, a measure developed in 2010 to investigate academic integrity practices in a Malaysian university. It also examined the usefulness of the measure across gender and nationality of the participants. The sample size comprised 450 students selected via quota sampling technique. The findings supported the multidimensionality of academic dishonesty. Also, strong evidence of convergent and discriminant validity, and construct reliability were generated for the revised AIS. The testing of moderating effects yielded two outcomes. While (...)
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  44.  35
    Effective field theories as a novel probe of fine-tuning of cosmic inflation.Feraz Azhar - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 71:87-100.
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  45.  14
    Etik masyarakat Indonesia.Mohamad Said - 1976 - Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.
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  46.  76
    Is there an effective approach to deterring students from plagiarizing?Lidija Bilic-Zulle, Josip Azman, Vedran Frkovic & Mladen Petrovecki - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (1):139-147.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of plagiarism detection software and penalty for plagiarizing in detecting and deterring plagiarism among medical students. The study was a continuation of previously published research in which second-year medicals students from 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 school years were required to write an essay based on one of the four scientific articles offered by the instructor. Students from 2004/2005 (N = 92) included in present study were given the same task. Topics of (...)
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  47.  85
    Scientific Realism and Primordial Cosmology.Feraz Azhar & Jeremy Butterfield - unknown
    We discuss scientific realism from the perspective of modern cosmology, especially primordial cosmology: i.e. the cosmological investigation of the very early universe. We first state our allegiance to scientific realism, and discuss what insights about it cosmology might yield, as against "just" supplying scientific claims that philosophers can then evaluate. In particular, we discuss: the idea of laws of cosmology, and limitations on ascertaining the global structure of spacetime. Then we review some of what is now known about the early (...)
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  48.  34
    Cultural myth of eclipse in a Central Javanese village: Between Islamic identity and local tradition.Ahmad Izzuddin, Mohamad A. Imroni, Ali Imron & Mahsun Mahsun - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    This article examines the relationship between religion, tradition and identity as seen from the myth about eclipses in a village in Central Java. Javanese people in rural areas still hold beliefs passed down from their ancestors about eclipses, both lunar and solar eclipses. Using a qualitative approach, the results of the study showed that the villagers believe that eclipses occur because of evil giants called buto named Batara Kala who try to devour the sun or the moon. This natural phenomenon (...)
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    The Levels of Employing New Information Technology in School Administration from the Teachers' Point of View.Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:550-569.
    This level of using ICT in education from the perspectives of school principals was explored in this investigation. The descriptive analytical method was used as the methodology and the study sample included 183 school principals, who were selected randomly from different public schools in the UAE. A questionnaire was prepared and formulated in its initial form, which consists of (58) items distributed among the six dimensions The findings found that school principals agreed on the importance of using ICT for the (...)
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  50. Estetika hitam: Adorno, seni, emansipasi.Gunawan Mohamad - 2021 - Banguntapan, Yogyakarta: IRCiSoD.
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